Yesterday, we celebrated the annual holiday called, Father’s Day, to honor earthly fathers for all they do for their families. But what if every day could be the FATHER’s Day for you?
Fathers, in their role on earth, serve as creators, providers, protectors, guardians, and role models for their families. For many, Father’s Day was indeed a day to celebrate the men placed in their lives. For others, it was a time to grieve the dads or the fathers that had passed on from this life. But for many more, Father’s Day left a gaping wound for the abandonment, abuse, or failure of their earthly fathers to fulfill their God-given role.
Regardless of the need, however great or small, there is a Heavenly Father that longs to heal and fill every gap or wound in His earthly children’s hearts and lives. God is the ultimate Father. He created man is His image to mirror His character, His nature, and His heart. And no matter how great an earthly father many have or had, or those that did not, the Heavenly Father longs to fill that void and manifest Himself as a good, good Father.

First, God is Creator. He wants to plant the seed of His new life in to the lives of every person that would say “yes” to Him. The seed of His eternal life can burn bright in your life as you become a child of His Heavenly kingdom. He longs for you to belong to Him, to His family. He wants you to literally embrace His name and nature, and mirror Him in all you do. And as His child, you have a forever Father and an eternal home in Heaven one day, but you can walk in His ways in this life.
God longs to manifest Himself as Provider to you. He says to seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added to you. There is no need, great or small, that your Heavenly Father does not care about for you. He says come unto Him and cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) He will supply for every need. He cares for His children. Trust Him and ask. Then watch Him provide.
As a Father, God is Protector. Just like a good, earthly father, God is fierce and loyal over the protection of His children. And when the enemies of this world or difficulties come in to your life, God rises up in your defense. He even promises to give His angels charge over you to guide, guard, and protect you in all your ways. You are never left on your own to fight your own battles. For if God be for you, then who can stand against you? As His child, you have His Heavenly protection as you call upon Him. Always.

When children stray or are in danger, an earthly father will rush to that child’s side with caution, warning, and correction. Sometimes even discipline is enacted to bring the correction that child needs simply for their protection. God as your Guardian is no different. He sees the danger for He sees all. He knows what is good for His child. And it is always out of love that He bring that discipline as a Guardian. Trust His heart for you when it seems like that correction is harsh: it is for your good.
As the ultimate Role Model, God the Father wants you to understand Who He is. He gave earthly fathers to mirror His nature as loyal and long-suffering, His character as faithful and truthful, and His heart as always loving, compassionate, and forgiving. His attributes are that He is generous and giving. He gives you an inheritance as a member of His family. There is never a sin so great that God ever casts you out of His family. Once you are adopted by Him, you have that eternal security and knowing that you are fully and wholly loved simply because you are His child. (Ephesians 1:5) You need no longer live in fear as His beloved child. All that belongs to Him is now yours as His heir. You simply have to believe, obey, and embrace all that is yours in belonging to your Heavenly Father.
Every day is the FATHER’s Day because you have a Heavenly Father that rejoices over you, celebrates you, adores you, protects and guards you, and provides for you. You are never on your own.

I want you to know Me as a good, good Father. I sent My Son to redeem you from sin and all the enemy’s lies over your heart and life. Do you know how precious you are to Me? You have a family to belong to, a new nature, new identity, and forever name in My family. Your life is secure in Me and you have an inheritance laid up for you as My child and heir. Simply believe in all the goodness I have for you and embrace that, then walk in all My ways for you. You are indeed My beloved child in whom I delight in every single day.
“For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Romans 8:15)
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who (revere) Him.” (Psalms 103: 13)
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)
This was so encouraging to think about my Heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing these life-changing truths!