We are living in trying times and challenging days…
Back in September, when hurricane Helene was wreaking havoc in Florida and the South, none of us realized at the time how places like North Carolina would also be devastated and affected.
My youngest niece, Lauren, lives in Asheville and when the storm struck, they had to evacuate. While her roommate’s home still stood, all the storm damage, flooding, and mold made it unlivable for a time. Lauren worked remotely and then had to find temporary shelter until power and water could be restored and the home repaired.
It was a frightening and uncertain time…

Then little did I know, just a few months later, more of my family members would be affected as well by the raging and uncontrollable fires breaking out in and all around L.A. and areas in California.
My son Grant, his girlfriend Taylor, and some of their friends were forced to evacuate to the mountains. For weeks, they were unsure if any of them would still have their homes and businesses standing once they could finally return home. Thankfully, they were spared unlike so many of their friends or clients. And now work is slow due to the city’s toxic smoke and pollution and conditions from the fires.
And the fires are still raging in these trying times...
Then, though I initially celebrated that my son-in-law, Clay’s sister, Rebecca, and her family, were spared from the fires in Altadena, that rejoicing was short-lived. Upon returning to their neighborhood their garage and home business were burnt to the ground. And they’re not sure the remaining structure is salvageable. But unbelievably, they were informed that they’d lost everything because of all the toxic smoke and water damage that had infiltrated everything they owned. Then to add insult to injury, the insurance company denied their claims stating they did not cover the smoke and water damage resulting from the fires. The city also informed them it would be more than a year before electricity could be restored to their neighborhood. Now they’re forced to pay a mortgage on an unlivable house. And now they have to start all over again and pay for another rental as they rebuild their lives.

These trying times have affected three of my family members and too many nameless individuals...
But while FEMA and governments, city officials, and insurance companies may fail us, we must look to God for His our help and provision in time of need. It is time for the church or people who call themselves Christians to step up and step in to help. Trying times and darkest of moments are opportunities for the light of Christ to shine the brightest and to help those in need.
While I’m thankful Lauren and Grant had homes to eventually return to, or that Rebecca will hopefully be able to rebuild her home, there are so many others not so fortunate. Ultimately though this world offers no real security. Our only security is having a solid foundation on the Rock, Christ Jesus.
What is your life built on? Who do you turn to for help? What will you do in these trying times? How can you help those in need?
Hide yourself in Me: I am your refuge. I am your shelter. I am your strength and protection. Build your life upon the Rock of My Son, Jesus. Cry out to Me in your distress and trust how I will help you in your time of need. Watch and see how I provide for your needs through others. Keep trusting Me. And give to those in need for you are fulfill the Law of Christ to love others.
“My soul trusts in You, and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by.” (Psalm 57:1)
“A wise man built his house upon the rock (Jesus)...” (Matthew 7: 24)
“The righteous give without sparing.” (Proverbs 21:26)

https://gofund.me/38c71c64 If you’d like to help Rebecca and her family rebuild their lives, here is a gofund me link to give to their needs.
Other worthy ministries and organizations include: Samaritan’s Purse, Mercy Chefs, CityServe, The Red Cross, and local churches.