Awaken my heart
To sing Your praise,
Awaken my heart
To seek Your face.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken my mind
In Your Word of truth,
Awaken my mind
To Your resurrection proof.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken my soul
To Your Creation’s beauty,
Awaken my soul
To live for You truly.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken me Lord
To walk in Your ways,
Awaken me God
To live faithfully all of my days.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken me Lord
To serve You with my life,
Awaken me God
With victory and no strife.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken me Lord
In worship and to pray,
Awaken me Lord
Lest my heart stray.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken me Lord
To my First Love,
Awaken me Lord
To things from above.
Awaken me Lord,
Awaken me Lord
To holy passion,
Awaken me Lord
Until like You I am fashioned.
Awaken me Lord,
“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Eph. 5:14)
Hey Girl, been on cruise and no coverge, not good anyway, so just now reading both of yours. I pray you are doing well
Love ya