Are You
Bread Enough for me?
Will You come and meet
My every need?
Bread of Life
Sustain me now,
Come fill my every
Hunger somehow.
The loneliness, longing
Soul hunger and thirst,
Help me turn to You only
And seek You first.
When I’m troubled, tormented
Or fearful and afraid,
It’s Your solitude and
Peace that I crave.
Should pain and sickness
Or sorrow and grief,
Tug at my soul
I need Your relief.
Are You
Bread Enough for me?
Will You come and meet
My every need?
Bread of Life
Sustain me now,
Come fill my every
Hunger somehow.
When my soul is empty
Or bored at best,
When I’m weary, exhausted,
Confused and need rest.
Should I feel like
An orphaned child,
Come hold me tender
And close for a while.
Should I feel
Abandoned, insecure, and unloved,
Come meet that need
Reach down from above.
Are You
Bread Enough for me?
Will You come and meet
My every need?
Bread of Life
Sustain me now,
Come fill my every
Hunger somehow.
Come fill this craving
And gnawing of soul,
Come fill me up
And make me whole.
Manna from Heaven
You promised the best,
I need not seek fulfillment
From all of the rest.
Living Bread from Heaven
The true Bread of Life,
Fill me up
Come satisfy.
Hungry to know
I’m loved and belong,
Affirmation and attention
For so much I long.
Thirsty for touch
And for real affection,
Needy to know
Worth and validation.
Desiring to taste
Real meaning in life,
And Your purposes
At work even in strife.
Are You
Bread Enough for me?
Will You come and meet
My every need?
Bread of Life
Sustain me now,
Come fill my every
Hunger somehow.

(By: Melanie Boutiette © 3/16/2005. For mom!)