“It’s not supposed to be this way. It was never supposed to be like this,” my friend lamented sharing her heartbreak afresh as tears coursed down her face.
Her strong, fit, athletic husband had passed away unexpectedly three years earlier from complications with COVID-19. Now left to manage the house, bills, chores, and more on her own, that reality hit hard. Trying to take out the garbage left her undone when the bag burst open and garbage spilled across the kitchen floor. She realized her new reality at that moment: he was never coming back home…
Cleaning up the mess from that busted kitchen bag was easier than piecing back the broken pieces of her life. Like jagged bits of broken glass or fine spilt coffee grinds there was no way to restore what she had lost to death.

But there is One who can heal and restore her broken heart and shattered dreams in the comfort of His peace and Presence: one day at a time, bit by bit. Like a Mosaic, only God can take those shattered pieces of her life and slowly transform them into a beautiful work of His grace.
I see the work of His grace in her vibrant personality that shines even brighter through her honesty and tears. I see His masterpiece evolving as she continues to teach and lead women’s Bible studies through her grief and vulnerability. And her laughter rings louder and stronger like a sacrifice of praise despite her profound loss.
My friend Kim is a living testament to me and so many others that God can take broken pieces, broken hearts, and scattered dreams and turn them for good. She displays His goodness and faithfulness despite her loss and grief.
What devastating heartbreak are you facing? What difficult circumstances are you walking through? Turn to God, and bit by bit, He will faithfully carry you through and redeem any loss you have suffered too.

My heart breaks with yours at the loss of a loved one or when you suffer. Draw near to Me. Let Me wrap you in My embrace and bring you beauty from the ashes of your loss. I will piece your heart and life back together and transform you into a masterpiece of My grace. I love you My Beloved one.
“My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen me according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:28)
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He saves those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:18)