Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the fever
Has to cease.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the captive
Are set free.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the dead
Are raised to life.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And with the troubled
There’s no more strife.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the blind
They now can see.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the wayward
Now believe.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the deaf
Can hear again.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And believers
Are made of men.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the troubled
They find peace.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And all disease
It has to leave.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the lame
Can leap and walk.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the mute
Can praise and talk.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the tormented
Find serenity.
Just one touch
From the Master’s Hand,
And the restless
Find their ease.
(By: Melanie Boutiette, September 2, 2021; dedicated to Anna Wren and Rachelle S. as they fight their health battles.)
Thank you for sharing your gift of encouragement with us❣️❤️