I’ve started spring cleaning. It’s easy to accumulate too much stuff. Before long, the possessions can overrun your home, or the clutter of items can fill draws and closets. Piles of neglected paperwork can quickly accrue on a desk or countertop. Not to mention that extra deep cleaning that is needed throughout the house. I’m in the midst of spring cleaning, a project or two at a time.
But what if there’s more cleaning to be done than just the physical aspect? God says to lay aside (or eliminate) every weight, burden, and encumbrance we carry and to run the race set before us. We can accumulate excessive baggage in our heart and soul too.
Runners don’t wear heavy hiking boots and numerous layers of clothing while carrying a bunch of possessions around. No! They lighten their load for speed, efficiency, and endurance. So, maybe there are some things that are weighing you down. You might need to spring clean and eradicate the burden of fear, worry, unforgiveness, negative thoughts and more.

God says to cast all your cares, anxiety, and every burden on Him, for He cares for you. He wants you free.
Possibly, like me, you have clothes you no longer wear because they were for a career or a season in your life that no longer exists. More importantly, maybe these items don’t fit anymore.
Like clothes, God wants us to eliminate things in our life that are no longer useful, or don’t fit the new season He has in store. Perhaps it is a ministry or job you once loved, but now it weighs you down. Instead, it’s time to move on. Possibly it’s a relationship that is toxic or no longer good for you. It requires setting a healthy boundary and moving forward. It’s time for spring cleaning of the soul!

Then there are always the excess items in our lives that we can accrue over time. Like old letters, magazines, and papers that need to be filed or thrown out.
What in your life do you need to discard that is not good for you? Maybe you’re hanging on to old memories, negative emotions, or unhealthy thoughts that pile up and create clutter in your soul. It’s time to let them go.
Could it be that you’re seeing dirty carpets that need deep cleaning or baseboards and doors that require a little TLC? Or you notice picture frames and possessions that have collected dust in need of attention. Spring cleaning gets down to the details and requires hard work.
Take the time with God to do some deep cleaning in your heart, mind, and soul. Exert the extra effort and do the hard work. You’ll be rewarded. Spend a little time praying, seeking God, and maybe even confessing and eliminating the sin. He will wash you clean and make you new again.
It’s time for spring cleaning all around, inside and out.

How I long to wash you clean, make you whole, and make you new again. Come to me with every burden. Cast your cares on Me and leave them there. Just like spring cleaning in a home, let’s clean up your heart and soul. I will set you free beloved, just come to Me.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew in me a steadfast spirit.” (Psalm 51:10)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)