Ten pounds or more
Have found me.
I’m just not sure
When or how it happened
But ten pounds or
More have found me
They crept in
And snuck in unaware.
It seems like
They packed their
Bags and moved right in
And set up residence
In this body of mine.
And like some family members
Long overstaying their welcome
They’ve come to live
And make themselves
Right at home.
Ten pounds or more
Have found me.

Or like an unexpected guest
This visitor arrived at
My door one day
Or rather my bathroom scale
Announcing their arrival
With flamboyance and flair!
This new visitor of mine
Has crowded their
Way into my life
And pushed my
Clothes right out
Of the closet.
Either that
Or somehow
This guest has changed
The settings on
The washer and dryer
Making my clothes
Shrink and be too
Tight to wear.
Ten pounds or more
Have found me.

Like a stray dog
Begging at my door
I showed compassion
Some sympathy
And fed the brutal beast
But now the
Animal won’t leave!
I keep trying to chase
It off or shoo it away
But then after running
It returns begging
With its pitiful eyes
And mournful stare
To be fed again.
I have a new pet
To feed now
In addition
To my new family members
And arriving guests
At my residence.
Ten pounds or more
Have found me.
My husband
Says he doesn’t
Notice or mind all the
New guests
And the nagging pet
In this home of mine.
He even says
He likes all
The company
I am keeping
But I wonder
If he’s telling the truth.
For I know that my
Scale and the dryer
Don’t lie
And it’s getting
A bit crowded
In this home of mine.
And when I
Remind him
That I may
Have to fill
My closet with new clothes
For my new companions
Who have robbed me of much
In my attire…
I can tell
He’s looking closer
And thinking maybe
It’s time
For the relatives
To leave
And the guests to pack
Their bags and go elsewhere
And that I shouldn’t be so
Quick to feed the beast
Whenever it barks and begs!
Ten pounds or more
Have found me.
And it’s time they go away!

This is so good!!🤣 and many, many can empathize with you here!!!! You are not alone! But most importantly, you are beautiful inside and OUT And a child of the King. But I do love this, and you, and new clothes …. Lol :), Joy